Wednesday, March 14, 2012

And Somehow I Manage to Keep My Mouth Relatively Shut

Ignorance is everywhere.
Ignorance isn’t bliss.
Ignorance is annoying.
Ignorance is loud.
Ignorance is rude.
Ignorance is disrespectful.
Ignorance is selfish.
Ignorance is bitchy.
Ignorance is an asshole.
Ignorance is unbelievably stubborn.
Ignorance is obnoxious.
Ignorance is angry.
Ignorance is on purpose.
Ignorance is unapologetic.
Ignorance is spiteful.
Ignorance is unknowingly spiteful, in some cases I suppose.
Ignorance is incredibly closed-minded.
Hey, Ignorance! Dislodge your head from your anus.

I'm not one to write poems, so I decided to write one for once.  Usually poems are really hard for me to write, mostly because I rarely feel strongly to whatever subject I write about.  In this case, this poem came to me very easily because I really care about the subject matter this time. 

1 comment:

  1. I think that my favorite line is "ignorance is on purpose." I think it is really important for me to remember in my life. I often excuse deliberate bad behavior because I think someone doesn't know better, but they often do.

    Also, your writing is often really serious AND funny at the same time. I really love that about it.
